Friday, March 25, 2011

Day Six

Day 6. A Picture Of A Person You'd Love To Trade Places With For a Day.

Chelsea Handler. Not only is she hilarious but she's pretty as well. I like how blunt and honest she is. I wish I could be more open with my feelings toward people or certain events. She is also very witty. I love her books, I've read all of them. Her job seems really fun as well. I just imagined I'd have a great time as her.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Day Five

Day 5. A Picture Of Your Favorite Memory.

I have so many wonderful memories, I couldn't choose one so I narrowed it down to two.

This is me and my best friend Jackie in a truck stop bathroom. The picture is from one of our road trips to Wichita Falls, Texas. My brother-in-law was doing his tech school there and my sister didn't want to go visit him by herself so we went with her. It was right after I moved back to New Mexico from Alaska so I hadn't seen Jackie or my sister in a few months. It was so much fun going on a road trip with them. I can't remember doing anything too exciting but just being around my two favorite girls was a blast. We ate lots of junk food and sang songs at the top of our lungs. While we were there we walked around the base, went to the movies, and bowling. We stayed up pretty much all night talking. My sister moved shortly after that and me and Jackie got jobs and boyfriends. Everything slowly changed. But this weekend was great!

Me and Nathan at the Hard Rock in Amsterdam. This was the last trip me and Nathan took by ourselves. It was right before I found out I was pregnant. We got there Saturday afternoon and it took forever to find our hotel. We took a nap and by the time we woke up it was late so we ended up just going to Hard Rock that night. That is our tradition, by the way. We eat at Hard Rock every place we go.. if they have one that is. Sunday we got up and went to the Heiniken brewery, then to a couple of random museums, the Anne Frank house, and lastly to visit the Red Light District. I enjoy spending time with Nathan alone. We always have so much fun and he makes every day unforgetable.

Day Four

Day 4. A Picture Of Your Night.

This was supposed to be yesterday and I fulled intended to take a picture but Nathan has my camera with him and so I have his with no memory card. I went to take a picture and nothing, so instead I'll just explain it to you.

At about 5 I started getting a horrible headache to the point that I couldn't even walk so my mom picked up Noah and I got to sleep a bit. I slept until 8 then headed over to my parents house. I put Noah to sleep and me and my mom made our Dining-In floors. I've got the Hall and my mom has the Conservatory. We are pretty much finished with the floors, now we just have to make furniture to go in them. Then we ate pizza and watched some t.v. before I came home and went to bed. Not a very exciting night, but it beats sitting alone at home. :)
I also got to talk to Nathan a little bit.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Nathans got a phone!

I got to talk to Nathan yesterday. FINALLY! I hadn't talked to him since Sunday, I know it's not that long to most people but when you spend everyday with someone and then all of a sudden they are gone and you don't talk to them for two days.. it's pretty rough. I felt like I couldn't breath all of yesterday morning. I really need to tell my body to stop being so dramatic. I haven't had much of an appetite either. Good news is maybe I'll lose the last 10 lbs of pregnancy weight.... I hate being like this. I have never been like this over a guy. I know I need to be better for the sake of sanity.
I found out some more details about where he is and how long he'll be gone and those sorts of things. Honestly, it was just nice to see him (on skype). He ended up getting a new sim card for his phone so I can call him if I need him. That puts me at ease, knowing that if something were to happen I could get ahold of him. We talked again before I went to bed which helped me get to sleep.
Nathan's mom emailed me yesterday morning to see if I was okay. It's really nice knowing that I have so many wonderful people in my life to make sure we're doing okay and getting along fine. I'm so glad my mom is here as well. And since my dad left for Afghanistan last week, we are in the same boat. I had lunch with my friend Alyssa yesterday. Her boyfriend is with Nathan. We are going to lunch again today with our friend Kristin. Like I said, I'm so happy to have people here for us.
I called Nathan's parents after he gave me his new number. They are great. I really lucked out in the in-law department. Which reminds me, Jessica's due date was yesterday. Rebecca told me she'd call once their baby is there. :) Noah will soon have a little baby cousin to play with. Hopefully, when we go back this summer, Sheldon and Jessica and baby Patience will be able to be there as well. I want to meet her and hold her. Same with Audrey! I've been wanting to play with her for months now.
Last night, all of the CE Dining-In spouses got together in our costumes to take pictures. I am Professor Plum. I thought my outfit looked pretty good. No ones looked better than Katrina's though. She's Mr. Green. I can't even explain it. I'll post pictures after the Dining-In. Less than two weeks. I need to find Noah a babysitter now that Nathan's gone.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day Three

Day 3. Picture Of The Cast From Your Favorite Show.

Flight of the Conchords.
Nathan got me started watching this in 2008, right after we started dating. We'd sit in his dorm room and watch Season 1. We bought Season 2 right after it came out. They are just so funny and stupid. We have the album and I listen to it when I need a good laugh. My favorite is Leggy Blonde.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Day Two

Day 2. A Picture Of You And Someone You've Been Close With For Awhile.

Not the greatest picture of us but all my pictures are on Nathan's computer, which is with him.
Anyways, this is my best friend Andrea. This picture was when she came to visit me last summer. We met in 2008 when I lived in England with my ex. She was my next door neighbor and she helped me get through all the stuff I was dealing with at the time. I love her and her husband and that little baby growing inside her!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Day One

Our friend Megan told me I should do this 30 Day Photo Challenge on my blog to help me get used to posting everyday. I've seen this going around facebook and it sparked an interest but I think it'll be better for me to do it here. So here it goes.

Day 1. A Picture Of Yourself With 10 Facts.

1. My husband is the only guy I've ever loved more than myself, that's how I knew we would be together forever.
2. I brush my teeth with warm water because I feel like it gets them cleaner.
3. I base Noah's progression on my friends babies.
4. I really miss my sister and my best friend Jackie. I get tired of talking to people who don't really care.
5. I enjoy thinking up new foods to make but I make taco's atleast once a week.
6. Before I was pregnant I weighed 97 lbs. I wish I could get back down to that but 10 lbs just won't drop.
7. I shop when I'm bored. I get bored a lot.
8. I have been to 15 countries and over half the United States. I plan on raising that number. Traveling is my favorite pass time.
9. I shave my legs every day because I hate the feeling of hair rubbing against my pants.
10. I was in alcohol counseling before I was even old enough to drink. I am glad that I don't drink anymore but I sometimes crave alcohol and cigarettes.

Nathan's gone

This weekend has been a pretty bad one.
I can't say everything on here for now, but Nathan is going to be gone for a few months. I hate it. We found out Friday night. It's been a mind game. On and off over and over again. I've definitely shed a lot of tears. It's hard not having my other half with me. I'm not as independent as I'd like to be. I don't like knowing that I'll have to take care of everything while he's gone. It makes me nervous. I don't like to take charge of things because I'm always worried I'm going to screw things up. It's also hard not knowing where you husband is going, when he'll be back, when the next time you can talk to him is. I'm so worried right now. I know I need to sleep tonight (for the sake of being sane while taking care of Noah) but I don't see that happening. I have been running around all day long, cleaning, cooking, online shopping, watching movies, anything I can do to keep me busy. I'm already going crazy. I know people go through this all the time, it just sucks. SUCKS!
Also, my dad left on Thursday for Afghanistan. I have no idea how I am going to handle all the car care things we need to do with Nathan's VW bus and my car.
My friend Alex told me I should plan as many fun projects as I can. Sounds good. I already made a list of the things I want to do to the house.
I also plan on going to California for a few weeks and Texas for a few weeks. We were going to go back this summer anyways so I might as well go while I need support. I want everyone to meet Noah. I enjoy trips to America too.
And I still plan on going to on our vacation to Italy. My mom is trying to get my sister to come here so she can join us. I'd love that. I love my mom and sister so much, they help me get through a lot. They've been there through every break up and everytime I've been jobless and poor. :) Like I said, I'm not good at being independent.

On a different note, tomorrow I'm having a coffee date with some of my favorite girls in Germany. I'm glad that I have a great support system. They are all so much fun.
Next weekend is the shop morale party. We are doing an Irish theme.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Another Five Years

Oh yea, Nathan reenlisted last Monday. Five more years in the Air Force, maybe more. I'm excited to find out where we'll be going next and for the future in general. Time is just flying by.
He also sewed on his Senior Airman stripes the same day. The tradition is when you sew on a new stripe, all the people in your shop that out rank you get to punch you on your stripes. Nathan said they made a line in his shop. You should see his arms. Even now the bruises are ridiculous and disgusting. They got him good!

Vacation time

Until recently, these next few months have weighed heavy on my mind. I really felt defeated and like I wouldn't have any time. Finally, I've gotten ahold of my life again. I'm not quite sure how it happened but I'm just not stressed out about the things I was before. I just feel more peace all of a sudden. Maybe it was my constant prayers to help me get through all of this. I mean, I do like to be busy, as they say idle hands are the devils tools, but sometimes it's nice to have no worries. To just sit and relax.
So I don't know how to fix that ^.

Anyways, what's been happening?
Last week wasn't too eventful. Thursday I did have lunch with some wonderful ladies. We all got together and discussed the next shop moral dinner. It's in two weeks and we put an Irish theme to it. I also finally bought the stuff I need for my Dining-In room. I have the hall and it should be pretty easy considering I only have to make the floor and a table. Friday, we went to my parents for dinner and while they watched Noah, me and Nathan went to see "Season of the Witch". It was okay. Not what I was expecting but still, a good night out. Then we stayed up until 1 planning on next vacation which I'll get into later.
Saturday, we helped clean the church. The Rameriz's were there also so we got it done in about an hour. Then we went to Trier to walk around and just hang out. It's been months since we've been there so it was fun. Trier is one of our favorite cities. It's where we had our very first date and where Nathan proposed. We were originally supposed to go with some of our friends but they ended up going earlier and left before we got there. It was nice getting to spend time with Nathan. I feel like recently we haven't seen each other at all. And we definitely haven't had time to relax a bit together. After we got tired of walking around we went and had dinner with some friends and sat around talking. Yesterday, we ofcourse went to church and spent some time together. I went for a walk, it was so beautiful outside. Sunday really is my favorite day.

So our next vacation. We are planning a trip in May to Sardinia, Italy. It's an island off the coast. We looked at pictures and it's got a Spanish feel and the beach looks amazing. I'm so excited. Our friends, the Staffords, are going with us. They have snorkeling, scuba diving, and all sorts of interesting activities for us to do. It'll be nice enough to sit on the beach in a bathing suit. That what we plan on doing the majority of the trip. We are going for 3 nights and found amazing deals. The tickets are only 6 euros a person, one way. You really can't beat that. In the summer, me and Nathan are also planning on Barcelona. We were worried that we wouldn't have time to get everything in that we want to see before we leave, but our extention just got approved so we'll be here until March 2013 (unless we get accepted into the commissioning program). We have plenty of time left, and we've already done so much traveling. I love Europe for that reason. I really don't understand why people think vacationing in Europe is so expensive. If you come during the non-tourist season then plane tickets are ridiculously cheap and if you know what you are doing, you can get around for almost nothing. I really get annoyed with people who live here and don't want to do anything but sit in their house and then all they do is complain about how much they hate Germany. Or people use money and their kids as an excuse. Ugh. I could go on for days about people like that.

Noah is too big. :)
The other day he got up on his hands and knees (in the crawling position). My heart stopped beating for a minute, I swear. I was just waiting for him to start moving. He ended up just plopping back down but I think he's going to begin crawling in the next few months. I swear he thinks he's older than he really is. I know I probably sound redundant but he really is so much fun. He makes me laugh all the time. Even if I'm in a bad mood, he somehow makes me smile. Lately, he's been doing this thing where he fake coughs or fake cries. It's hiliarious! He also sits up by himself now. He's the greatest!

Nathan took his final last week. He starts more classes next week. I'm debating signing up for a class or two as well. My mom already agreed to watch Noah, it's just the money that I'm worried about at this time. Especially since there are rumors going around that the military might not get paid for the month of April. Yikes! Good thing we have food storage!!!

Friday, March 4, 2011

It's Sad

Maybe you've read about it, maybe you haven't.
Wednesday afternoon, two US Airman were shot and killed at the Frankfurt International Airport in Frankfurt, Germany. Two others were seriously hurt and are in critical condition. The man who shot these people was a young man from Kosivo. There is talk that it was a terrorist attack. The people who were shot at were from both RAF Lakenheath in England, and Ramstein AB here in Germany. I've been thinking about this over and over and over again since I heard the news on Wednesday night. It just really hit hard, I think mostly because not only do I know people from both bases, but it's so close to home. We are 2 1/2 hours away from Frankfurt. Anytime we travel to/from the states, it's through that airport. We've had multiple friends and family fly there. I cannot tell you how many times me and Nathan have been there. And Nathan is always traveling there to pick people from his shop up. I even know a friend who went there that same day. It could have been anyone I know. It could have been Nathan. It could have even been me. My heart is really aching for those families. I can't tell you how many times this has crossed my mind in these past few days.
I think about these articles I've been reading that say that our service members are here ready to drop everything at a moments notice to go fight this war against terrorism. I'm not going to lie, it's not always like that. Maybe for the Army or Marines, or some other branch of the military, I can't really speak for them since I don't know that life style. But here, especially in our house or with people I know, we just live our normal daily life. I don't constantly worry about if someone is going to drop bombs on our base. I don't sit around with women talking about the next time our husbands get deployed. We talk about how things are different here than in the states or the new things our kids are doing. I believe, for the most part, we live like any other American family. Sure we move around and our family members get deployed.. but that's not apart of our day to day life. I can't say that I've ever worried about Nathan when he has gone to the Frankfurt Airport (we also try to blend in as much as possible.. Nathan never wears his uniform off base). So when I hear that some of our own (meaning other Airman) have been attacked, let alone in the country we live in, it is still very shocking. I think the media plays it out to be like we just expect our husbands to drop dead at a moments notice. No.. No.. it hits us the same way it would hit any American. It's scary and heartbreaking no matter who you are.
One of my friends posted on Facebook today that it's disgusting that Lindsey Lohan will be in the news for days and days and days and weeks and months for stealing a necklace in February and two US Military members get killed TWO DAYS AGO and you have to literally search it out on Our country is getting ridiculous. I started bawling the other night because I was thinking about how I have to raise my child in a world like this. People care more about their entertainment than they do about real news, about what's really going on in the world. Maybe people just think that if it's not right in front of them, then it's not happening. People are so oblivious.
And don't even get me started on that Baptist church that feels the need to picket people's funerals. I want to punch everyone of them in their face. I know, I'm supposed to be the bigger person and just hope that one day they'll recognize their actions and want to change, but seriously?! I just cannot people are actually like this. I guess that's what I get for being an optimist.

Anyways, Noah is napping right now and he's got a little smile under his pacifier. It's adorable. I love this kid too much. I can honestly say that having him in my life has filled a hole I've had for years. I know you'll think I'm crazy for saying this but I can't wait to have more.
Oh yea, Nathan's pretty great too. :)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Last weekend and horrible stories

The Shop Morale Party went really well on Friday night. So many people showed up. When we first planned it, none of us thought it would be such a hit. Turns out, it was. The Smith's house was completely packed with people. Nathan, Noah, and I showed up about 45 mintutes late (blame it on Nathan) and it took us a good 5 minutes to get to the kitchen which was not even 10 yards away. When you walk into their house it's a long hallway with two rooms off the side (living room and game room) and then you'll hit the stairs and the kitchen on one side and the bathroom on the other. Both the living room and game room were full of people, so people were overflowing into the hallway. The kitchen was also full, people were sitting on the stairs, and there were people out back on the patio as well. Yeah, it was a big success. It was a pot luck and so everyone brought yummy food. I was so stuffed. We stayed for a couple of hours and by about 9 pm things were pretty much dying down. A lot of people had left so we could walk more freely. It was great getting to spend some time with everyone. There was absolutely no drama the entire night which made things even better. I'm really excited for the next one. And another girl even offered to help plan the next one. Katrina is awesome for doing the majority of this one. Unfortunately, Noah didn't go to sleep until like 11:30. It was crazy. I think he was still hyped up from being around so many people for so long.

Saturday night, I went to my mom's Lemongrass Spa Party. I showed up late (again, I'm horrible) because I thought it was at 5 pm. Nope, it was 3. They had already done the hand stuff so I walked in and got to start soaking my feet. We did some cool body scrub things for our feet and they were feeling amazing by the end. To top it off, my mom gave us all foot massages. It was wonderful. It was really nice to get out of the house. I love staying at home with Noah but I need my break from time to time. Especially, since Nathan has been taking this classes on Tuesday and Thursday nights. I don't get a break on those nights.
After the party me, Jessie, Regina, Linda, and my mom sat around gabbing for a few hours. Jessie just got back from the states so it was nice to see her again. I am going to start running with her and Linda to get this last 10 lbs off. Jessie gave me some good eating tips as well. I really enjoy being around older (not old) people. I feel like I click better for some reason. I guess I just get tired of talking about "Teen Mom" and how hot Gerald Butler is. I know, not everyone is like that, but I just feel so much more comfortable around ladies that are a few years older than me. I can, for the most part, always remember being that way.
I went and picked up a new toy for Noah. It's a little horse jumperoo. It sings songs and makes horse/galluping noises and it has a few little toys attached to play with. That kid loves to bounce. It's so fun watching him get into it. I love this age.
Then, my parents took us out for dinner at J.R. Rockers/Pizza Hut. I love my parents so much. We are blessed to have them here with us. They make things so much easier.

Sunday was another day of church ofcourse. Afterwards, Lauren came over to do more blanket sewing. At first we just couldn't get motivated. Then it reached about 8 pm and we were on a roll. We finished a few more and pinned a couple extra. We also made our first bib. Quite interesting. I honestly wasn't feeling too great by the end of the night but that's a whole other story that I won't get into on here for personal reasons.

Yesterday, Noah went to my parents house for a few hours so me and Nathan could get some things done. It was really weird not having him in tow, but we got more done than we would have if he would of tagged along. We went to the Library first so Nathan could get his study guides for his next clep test. He's doing so good on those and he passed his Human Resources one yesterday. Now he's got a Public Speaking one that he's studying for. Three more cleps and he'll be done with his CCAF. And then it's on to a few more face to face classes and by next January he can put in his package to get commissioned. I'm really anxious, excited, nervous about it. We just want it so bad. It would be such a great thing for our family, especially if we want to have as many babies as we are planning. Nathan was looking into a school in Southern California to attend before "officer tech school".
So afterwards we went to the BX just to look around and get some things we were needing. I got Jessica's baby shower gift. Then we went to Hela to get some paint. Nathan tried to get another gold fish but it was taking too long and we had other things to do. After all of the shopping, we went and got a bed, well the frame part. We already have the mattress and recently we decided we actually wanted a headboard. :)
We found one on for a decent price so we went ahead and picked it up. It's huge and we had to put the headboard part on top of our car to get it home. Since it was on top, we used rope to tie it up there.. through the windows.. I had to climb out the window to open the trunk door so Nathan could get out. We had fun. And I am really excited about it. We are going to paint it black, along with a dresser we are getting tomorrow, to match our room. One day we will have our room complete. I'm just not so good at decorating the entire house all at once. I work one room at a time.

Today, I had lunch with Katrina, Russ, my mom, dad, and Nathan. And Noah as well. Actually, he sat in the big boy high chair, I was impressed. Then Katrina and I went to the commissary where Noah sat in the shopping cart for the first time. He did so well, sat straight up the whole time. Good, that means I don't have to lug his heavy carseat around with me anymore. While we were in the commissary my eye started going crazy. I would get sudden, sharp pains in it. Then my eye would leak a hundred gallons of water from it. It was really weird but I didn't think much of it. As we were driving home the dang thing did it again and I really had a hard time seeing the road. Luckily, we only live 2 minutes away so it wasn't too bad. I took out my contacts and it felt much better. I'm guessing something must have gotten onto my contact that was not meant for eyes. I've had ripped/torn contact lenses and that hurts, but this was a different, more horrible kind of pain. I wish I could explain it better. Needless to say, I threw those out. Later in the day, I went with my mom to get a skirt and jacket himmed that I'll be wearing to the Spouses Dining In in April. I'm excited. We all dress in crazy outfits. I'm Professor Plum from Clue. I'm really excited to see how everything turns out. Tomorrow, we are going to build our mock clue house for the table centerpiece. Things are coming along nicely. Lots of drama between many of the wives though.

I read a blog earlier about this lady who recently (two weeks ago) lost her baby to something they are not certain about. Their daughter was four months old. Noah's age. It talked about how she passed and how she has been feeling having to deal with the funeral and ofcourse the loss of her child. I cried as I read it. A friend of mine posted it on facebook and she talked about how she cried, I opened it in another tab and avoided reading it for about an hour but then decided that I would. I knew how I'd feel if I read it but it just kept yelling out for me to pull it up. I just cannot imagine going through that. It makes me nervous to ever leave Noah with anyone but family, but also to leave him in his room at night. Especially, since we have a really crappy monitor. I think tomorrow I'm going to look into the video monitors. There is never a better time to take extra precaution! Even thinking about it makes me want to cry again. I hope I don't have nightmares. A few years ago I read a story about some mean kids who kidnapped a 3 year old and did unimaginable things to him and it was in the back of my mind for weeks. Then last year, my sister told me a story of this lady who drowned her 4 kids one by one. More nightmares. Tonight I read a story about a mom who shot her two kids because they were "talking back". And then I read this story. I really feel for all these families. It makes me sick to think of what this world is coming to. It makes me even more sick that people support the people who do disgusting things. I don't care if I'm alone when I say that if you hurt a child in a serious way, you should have the death penalty.

Okay, this blog is way too long and I'm getting a little deep in my emotions so I'm going to end with a good night and see you in my next post.