Monday, March 14, 2011

Vacation time

Until recently, these next few months have weighed heavy on my mind. I really felt defeated and like I wouldn't have any time. Finally, I've gotten ahold of my life again. I'm not quite sure how it happened but I'm just not stressed out about the things I was before. I just feel more peace all of a sudden. Maybe it was my constant prayers to help me get through all of this. I mean, I do like to be busy, as they say idle hands are the devils tools, but sometimes it's nice to have no worries. To just sit and relax.
So I don't know how to fix that ^.

Anyways, what's been happening?
Last week wasn't too eventful. Thursday I did have lunch with some wonderful ladies. We all got together and discussed the next shop moral dinner. It's in two weeks and we put an Irish theme to it. I also finally bought the stuff I need for my Dining-In room. I have the hall and it should be pretty easy considering I only have to make the floor and a table. Friday, we went to my parents for dinner and while they watched Noah, me and Nathan went to see "Season of the Witch". It was okay. Not what I was expecting but still, a good night out. Then we stayed up until 1 planning on next vacation which I'll get into later.
Saturday, we helped clean the church. The Rameriz's were there also so we got it done in about an hour. Then we went to Trier to walk around and just hang out. It's been months since we've been there so it was fun. Trier is one of our favorite cities. It's where we had our very first date and where Nathan proposed. We were originally supposed to go with some of our friends but they ended up going earlier and left before we got there. It was nice getting to spend time with Nathan. I feel like recently we haven't seen each other at all. And we definitely haven't had time to relax a bit together. After we got tired of walking around we went and had dinner with some friends and sat around talking. Yesterday, we ofcourse went to church and spent some time together. I went for a walk, it was so beautiful outside. Sunday really is my favorite day.

So our next vacation. We are planning a trip in May to Sardinia, Italy. It's an island off the coast. We looked at pictures and it's got a Spanish feel and the beach looks amazing. I'm so excited. Our friends, the Staffords, are going with us. They have snorkeling, scuba diving, and all sorts of interesting activities for us to do. It'll be nice enough to sit on the beach in a bathing suit. That what we plan on doing the majority of the trip. We are going for 3 nights and found amazing deals. The tickets are only 6 euros a person, one way. You really can't beat that. In the summer, me and Nathan are also planning on Barcelona. We were worried that we wouldn't have time to get everything in that we want to see before we leave, but our extention just got approved so we'll be here until March 2013 (unless we get accepted into the commissioning program). We have plenty of time left, and we've already done so much traveling. I love Europe for that reason. I really don't understand why people think vacationing in Europe is so expensive. If you come during the non-tourist season then plane tickets are ridiculously cheap and if you know what you are doing, you can get around for almost nothing. I really get annoyed with people who live here and don't want to do anything but sit in their house and then all they do is complain about how much they hate Germany. Or people use money and their kids as an excuse. Ugh. I could go on for days about people like that.

Noah is too big. :)
The other day he got up on his hands and knees (in the crawling position). My heart stopped beating for a minute, I swear. I was just waiting for him to start moving. He ended up just plopping back down but I think he's going to begin crawling in the next few months. I swear he thinks he's older than he really is. I know I probably sound redundant but he really is so much fun. He makes me laugh all the time. Even if I'm in a bad mood, he somehow makes me smile. Lately, he's been doing this thing where he fake coughs or fake cries. It's hiliarious! He also sits up by himself now. He's the greatest!

Nathan took his final last week. He starts more classes next week. I'm debating signing up for a class or two as well. My mom already agreed to watch Noah, it's just the money that I'm worried about at this time. Especially since there are rumors going around that the military might not get paid for the month of April. Yikes! Good thing we have food storage!!!

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